2 judgments found.

Black et al. v. City of Toronto

Country: Canada
Year: 2020
Court: Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Citation: 2020 ONSC 6398
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Sexual and reproductive health, Water, sanitation and hygiene

A motion for an interlocutory injunction was brought to prevent the City of Toronto from enforcing its By-law that prohibited camping and erecting tents, structures, and shelters in City parks, City of Toronto Municipal Code, c. 608. The applicants did not challenge the validity of the By-law but sought an order to have it suspended …Read more

Tags: Access to healthcare, Access to treatment, Addiction, Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Cleanliness, Depression, Diabetes, Disabled, Drug abuse, drug users, Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Influenza, Mental health, Noncommunicable diseases, Opioids, People who use drugs, Poverty, Public safety, Pulmonary diseases, Respiratory diseases, Safe drinking water, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual harassment, Substance abuse, violence, water sanitation and hygiene
Download Judgment: English

Pitalev v. Russia

Year: 2009
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application no. 34393/03

The case originated as an application against the Russian Federation filed with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter the Convention) by a Russian national, Mr. Sergey Gennadyevich Pitalev ( hereinafter the applicant) in 2003. The primary concern is the case was about the …Read more

Tags: Diet and nutrition: Food safety, Freedom from Torture and Cruel, Health care and health services, Hospitals, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, prisons, water sanitation and hygiene
Download Judgment: English