37 judgments found.

Allpass v. Mooikloof Estates (Pty) Ltd.

Country: South Africa
Year: 2011
Court: Labour Court of South Africa
Citation: Case No. JS178/09; [2011] ZALCJHB 7; 2011 (2) SA 638 (LC); [2011] 5 BLLR 462 (LC); (2011) 32 ILJ 1637 (LC)
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Medicines, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to privacy

The Applicant, Allpass, was hired as a stable yard manager and horse-riding instructor for the Respondent, Mooikloof Estates. He had 27 years of experience in horse riding, instructing and stable yard management. At the time of his hiring, the Applicant had been living with HIV for 17 years and was in a same-sex civil union. …Read more

Tags: Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Asthma, Disclosure, Gay, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Homosexual, LGBTI, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexual orientation
Download Judgment: English

Kozak v. Poland

Country: Poland
Year: 2010
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 13102/02, Eur. Ct. H.R. (2010).
Health Topics: Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to housing

A homosexual man claimed that his sexual orientation had been the single ground on which Polish courts had denied him the right to succeed to the tenancy of a flat in which he had lived with his partner. The applicant believed he had been refused the status of a person who had remained in actual …Read more

Tags: Gay, Homosexual, LGBTI, Queer, Sexual orientation
Download Judgment: English Polish

Naz Foundation v. Government of NCT of Delhi, et al.

Country: India
Year: 2009
Court: High Court - Delhi
Citation: (2009) DLT 27
Health Topics: HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to life, Right to privacy

Overruled by Suresh Kumar Koushal and Anor. v. Naz Foundation and Ors. Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (the Section) penalized voluntary “carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal” and described them as “unnatural offences.” An offence under this Section was non-bailable and carried a maximum punishment of …Read more

Tags: Condoms, Criminalization, Gay, Gender identity, Homosexual, Injecting drug users, Lesbian, LGBTI, Queer, Sexual orientation, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, Sodomy, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

DW v. Secretary of State for the Home Department

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2005
Court: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal
Citation: [2005] UKAIT 00168
Health Topics: HIV/AIDS, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of movement and residence

DW was a Jamaican citizen who sought asylum in the United Kingdom. He claimed to have been persecuted in Jamaica on the basis of his sexual orientation. He recounted two instances of being assaulted on the basis of being a homosexual. DW feared reporting these incidences to the police because he believed that they would …Read more

Tags: Assault, Asylum, Degrading treatment, Gay, HIV, Homosexual, Immigration, Inhuman treatment, Law enforcement, LGBTI, Migrants, Police, Queer, Refugees, Sexual orientation, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, Sodomy, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

Lawrence v. Texas

Country: United States
Year: 2003
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: 539 U.S. 558 (2003)
Health Topics: Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to privacy

Police officers entered a private residence in response to a report of a disturbance and came upon two men engaged in a sexual act. The men were arrested for and charged with violating a Texas state criminal law that prohibited “deviate sexual intercourse [defined as oral or anal sex] with another individual of the same sex.” …Read more

Tags: Buggery, Criminalization, Gay, Homosexual, Lesbian, LGBTI, Queer, Sexual orientation, Sodomy
Download Judgment: English

S.L. v. Austria

Country: Austria
Year: 2003
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application no. 45330/99
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to privacy

SL, an Austrian national, was born in 1981. SL is a homosexual and submits that he lives in a rural area of Austria where homosexuality is still taboo and suffered from the fact that he could not live his homosexuality openly and – until he reached the age of 18 – could not enter into …Read more

Tags: Buggery, Criminalization, Gay, Homosexual, Lesbian, LGBTI, Sexual orientation, Sodomy
Download Judgment: English French

Goodwin v. United Kingdom

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2002
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 28957/95, 35 Eur. H.R. Rep. 18 (2002).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to family life, Right to privacy

The applicant, a United Kingdom citizen had always enjoyed dressing as a woman since her young age and had the impression that her body did not fit her mind. Thus she started treatment with a psychiatrist and underwent gender re-assignment surgery. After the procedure, she experienced problems at work such as harassment allegedly because of …Read more

Tags: Gender identity, Gender identity disorder, Gender reassignment, LGBTI, Queer, Sex reassignment, Sexual orientation, Transgender, Transsexual
Download Judgment: English French Serbian

Yasser Mohamed Salah, et al. v. Egypt

Country: Egypt
Year: 2002
Court: UN Human Rights Council's Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Citation: Opinion No. 7/2002 (Egypt); E/CN.4/2003/8/Add.1 at 68
Health Topics: Informed consent, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to liberty and security of person

At least 55 men were arrested in Cairo on grounds of their sexual orientation during a police raid of a discotheque. The raid occurred after undercover officers entered the bar and observed and filmed dancing. The police targeted men who appeared to be homosexuals or who were not accompanied by women. One man was slapped …Read more

Tags: Assault, Buggery, Compulsory examination, Forced examination, Gay, Homosexual, Involuntary examination, Law enforcement, LGBTI, Mandatory testing, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Sexual orientation, Sodomy
Download Judgment: English

Case SU-623/2001

Country: Colombia
Year: 2001
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to social security

Cesar Augusto Medina Lopera (the Plaintiff) requested the Health Security Company Comfenalco (H.S.C, the Respondent), to affiliate him to the Social Security System in Health as beneficiary of his life partner, Jairo Castaño Suescún, who was a contributor to this H.S.C. The Respondent denied the affiliation and argued that, in accordance with Colombian Political Constitution, …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Budget, Gay, Health funding, Health insurance, Homosexual, LGBTI, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Queer, Sexual orientation, Social security
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Living World Distributors Ltd. v. Human Rights Action Group Inc. (Wellington)

Country: New Zealand
Year: 2000
Court: Court of Appeal
Citation: [2001] 2 LRC 233
Health Topics: HIV/AIDS, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom of expression

Living World Distributors (“LWD”) attempted to import two videos from the USA into New Zealand. The videos, which discussed aspects of homosexuality, opposed the granting of special rights to homosexuals and stated that homosexuality is one of the causes of the spread of HIV/AIDS. The videos were deemed suitable for audiences over 16 years old …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Bisexual, Gay, Gender identity, HIV, Homosexual, Lesbian, LGBTI, Queer, Sexual orientation, Transgender
Download Judgment: English