2 judgments found.

Case of Sykora v Czech Republic

Year: 2012
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App No; 23419/07

The applicant Sykora was born with a psycho social disability and had been treated in hospitals the most recent one being in 1995. He had stopped taking medication since he believed they had adverse effects on his eyesight and had used alternative ways to cope with his eyesight. The municipal court in Brno deprived him …Read more

Tags: right to liberty
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Henry Kalenga v. Zambia

Year: 1993
Court: Human Rights Committee
Citation: Communication No. 326/1988,

Henry Kalenga , a Zambian citizen was arrested by the police on11th February 1986 , the following day a statement was taken from him . A police detention order was issued to him and later revoked and replaced with a presidential detention order. Regulations allowed the president of Zambia to order for detention of person …Read more

Tags: freedom of movement, right to liberty
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