108 judgments found.

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa v. Angola

Country: Angola
Year: 2008
Court: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
Citation: Comm. No. 292/04 (2008).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Mental health, Prisons, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to bodily integrity, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to property, Right to work

The Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) filed a complaint on behalf of Mr. Esmaila Connateh and 13 other Gambians deported from Angola during March through May of 2004. IHRDA’s complaint alleged that Angola arbitrarily arrested and detained the individuals, along with tens of thousands of foreigners who had legally lived and …Read more

Tags: Abuse, Access to health care, Access to treatment, Cruel and unusual punishment, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Humiliating treatment, Immigration, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inhuman treatment, Inmate, Jail, Migrants, Prison conditions, Torture
Download Judgment: English

Manneh v. The Gambia

Country: The Gambia
Year: 2008
Court: Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West Africa States
Citation: (2008) AHRLR 171 (ECOWAS 2008)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to liberty and security of person

Plaintiff alleged that his arrest and continued detention without trial by the National Intelligence Agency of The Gambia violated his rights under the following articles 6 (right to personal liberty), 4 (right to life), 5 (prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment), and 7 (right to fair trial) of the African Charter on …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Forced disappearance, Inhuman treatment, Jail, Law enforcement, Police, Prison conditions, Solitary confinement
Download Judgment: English

Marcela Alejandra Porco v. Bolivia

Country: Bolivia
Year: 2008
Court: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Citation: Report No. 8/08, Case 11.426
Health Topics: Controlled substances, Health care and health services, Mental health, Prisons, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to bodily integrity, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to privacy

The petitioner sued the Bolivian State (“the State”) for numerous violations regarding her treatment in prison. The present case is deciding whether this petition is admissible before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (“the Commission”). There is disagreement between the parties as to the facts. Marcela Alejandra Porco, an Argentine citizen, was detained in the …Read more

Tags: Abuse, Access to health care, Access to treatment, Cocaine, Counseling, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Diagnostics, Examination, Imprisonment, Isolation, Jail, Mental illness, Mental institution, Prison conditions, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Solitary confinement
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Mechenkov v. Russia

Country: Russia
Year: 2008
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 35421/05, Eur. Ct. H.R. 122 (2008).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, Infectious diseases, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

Applicant, a Russian national serving a prison sentence and suffering from tuberculosis and chronic hepatitis C, alleged the state violated his Article 3 rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) because he was denied the necessary medical treatment. He also alleged that he was  held with inmates suffering from active tuberculosis and hepatitis …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Health records, Hepatitis, Humiliating treatment, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inhuman treatment, Inmate, Medical records, Prison conditions, TB, Tuberculosis
Download Judgment: English

Shelley v. United Kingdom

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2008
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 23800/06; [2008] ECHR 108; (2008) 46 EHRR SE16
Health Topics: Controlled substances, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Informed consent, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to life, Right to privacy

The applicant was a United Kingdom national imprisoned at H.M. Prison Whitemoor who complained that the Government’s failure to provide needle exchange programs in prisons violated the rights of prisoners under Article 2 (respect for the right to life), Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment), Article 8 (respect for …Read more

Tags: Custody, Drug use, Harm reduction, Health care technology, Health regulation, Hepatitis, HIV, IDUs, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Informed choice, Inhuman treatment, Injecting drug users, Inmate, Jail, Most-at-risk, People who use drugs, Prison conditions, Transmission
Download Judgment: English Italian

Case of Stepuleac v. Moldova

Country: Moldova
Year: 2007
Court: The European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Applications no 8207/06
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Diet and nutrition, Health care and health services, Prisons
Human Rights: Right to liberty and security of person

The Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested Mr. Gheorghe Stepuleac and detained him at the General Directorate for Fighting Organized Crime’s (“GDFOC”) detention centre. Following his release on bail, the Ministry again arrested and detained Mr. Stepuleac at the same detention centre. During his detention Mr. Stepuleac alleged he had inadequate access to food, sunlight, …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Diet, Food, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inmate, Jail, Prison conditions, Respiratory diseases, Solitary confinement
Download Judgment: English

Ciorap v. Moldova

Country: Moldova
Year: 2007
Court: The European Court of Human Rights
Citation: [2007] ECHR 502
Health Topics: Diet and nutrition, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to health

The applicant, Mr. Tudor Ciorap, was incarcerated in a remand centre in Moldova after being arrested on fraud charges. Mr. Ciorap alleged that the conditions of the prison were inhuman as a result of overcrowding (e.g. 1 m2 per person), poor sanitary conditions (e.g. the presence of parasitic insects), and low quantity and quality of …Read more

Tags: Abuse, Cruel and unusual punishment, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Food, Humiliating treatment, Hunger, Hunger strike, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inhuman treatment, Inmate, Jail, Prison conditions, Starvation, Torture
Download Judgment: English

Grishin v. Russia

Country: Russia
Year: 2007
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 30983/02, Eur. Ct. H.R. 925 (2007).
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Medicines, Prisons, Violence, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

The applicant, a Russian national, filed several European Convention on Human Rights Article 3 violations (inhuman or degrading treatment) during his prison term. He claimed that his serious medical state (ischaemic heart disease, exertional angina, hypertension, myopia and chronic bronchitis) was not treated appropriately, that he was beaten by investigating officers and cellmates (alleging broken …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, Assault, Cleanliness, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Heart disease, Humiliating treatment, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inmate, Lung disease, Noncommunicable diseases, Prison conditions, Pulmonary disease, Respiratory diseases
Download Judgment: English

Hummatov v. Azerbaijan

Year: 2007
Court: The European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 9852/03 and 13413/04
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Diet and nutrition, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals, Medicines, Prisons, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to health

The applicant, a politician was arrested and detained in a detention centre. He was accused of treason and use of armed forces against the State. The applicant absconded and went into hiding but was caught and arrested. The applicant alleged that he was ill-treated and not allowed to see a doctor during the period of …Read more

Tags: Abuse, Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, Assault, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Diet, Execution, Food, Health facilities, Health funding, Imprisonment, Inhuman treatment, Inmate, Jail, Lung disease, Noncommunicable diseases, Prison conditions, Respiratory disease, Torture, Tuberculosis
Download Judgment: English

Khudobin v. Russia

Country: Russia
Year: 2007
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 59696/00; (2006) ECHR 898
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Controlled substances, Health care and health services, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Mental health, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to health, Right to liberty and security of person

Mr. Khudobin, a Russian national, filed an application against the Russian Government for allegedly violating several articles of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”). The applicant was arrested after he was caught supplying heroin to an undercover police agent. He was placed in custody during pre-trial investigations and …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Drug enforcement, Examination, Hepatitis, Heroin, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Inhuman treatment, Insanity, Lung disease, Measles, Mental disorder, Mental illness, Morphine, Neurological diseases, Noncommunicable diseases, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Pneumonia, Prison conditions, Psychiatry, Pulmonary diseases, Respiratory diseases
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