128 judgments found.

Case 2005 (A) 947

Country: Japan
Year: 2008
Court: Supreme Court [Saikō Saibansho]
Citation: Case No. 2005 (A) 947
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Medical malpractice

This case concerned whether the accused, the Director of the Biologics and Antibiotics Division of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, could be held criminally negligent after a patient was given unheated blood products contaminated with HIV and later died of AIDS. The victim was a hemophiliac patient at Osaka …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Blood transfusion, Duty of care, Health regulation, HIV, HIV positive, Negligence, Standard of care, Transmission
Download Judgment: English

Dodov v. Bulgaria

Country: Bulgaria
Year: 2008
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Dodov v. Bulg., App. No. 59548/00, 47 Eur. H.R. Rep. 41 (2008).
Health Topics: Aging, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Medical malpractice, Mental health
Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial, Right to life

Applicant, Mr. Dodov is a Bulgarian national. His mother, Mrs. Stoyanova, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and disappeared from a state-owned nursing home and was never found. Efforts by applicant to bring criminal and civil proceedings against the hospital staff for negligence in causing the disappearance of his mother did not yield results. Relying on Article …Read more

Tags: Aged persons, Compensation, Damages, Duty of care, Elderly, Inadequate treatment, Inappropriate treatment, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental illness, Mental institution, Negligence, Neurological diseases, Nursing home, Older persons, Remedies, Senior citizens, Standard of care, Tort
Download Judgment: English Armenian Bulgarian French

Paxton v. Ramji

Country: Canada
Year: 2008
Court: Ontario Court of Appeal
Citation: 2008 ONCA 697, 92 OR (3d) 401
Health Topics: Disabilities, Health care and health services, Health information, Hospitals, Medical malpractice, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right of access to information, Right to bodily integrity

This appeal concerns whether a doctor owes a tort law duty of care to a future child subsequently born of the doctor’s patient. Dr. Ramji prescribed Accutane to Dawn Paxton, mother of the plaintiff, Jamie Paxton, on the understanding that Dawn would not become pregnant while taking the drug. Due to her husband’s failed vasectomy, …Read more

Tags: Birth control, Child development, Childbirth, Children, Compensation, Contraception, Contraceptives, Counseling, Damages, Deaf, Differently abled, Disabled, Disclosure, Drug safety, Duty of care, Fertility, Handicapped, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Infant health, Informed choice, Maternal health, Negligence, Non-disclosure, Patient choice, Pediatric health, Pharmaceuticals, Physically challenged, Standard of care, Testing, Tort
Download Judgment: English

Pediatric Clinic of Los Lagos v. Brazil

Country: Brazil
Year: 2008
Court: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Citation: Report No. 70/08, Petition 12.242, October 16, 2008; OEA/Ser.L/V/II.134, Doc. 5, rev. 1, 25 February 2009
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Medical malpractice, Poverty, Sexual and reproductive health, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial, Right to life

Ten children died as a result of the presumed medical negligence of the personnel at the Clínica Pediátrica da Região dos Lagos. The hospital received funds from the state via the public system of health of Brazil called Sistema Unico de Salud. The majority of children treated at the hospital were from families with “reduced …Read more

Tags: Childbirth, Children, Cleanliness, Clinics, Compensation, Damages, Duty of care, Inadequate treatment, Inappropriate treatment, Indigent, Infant health, Infant mortality, Low income, Minor, Negligence, Pediatric health, Poor, Pregnancy, Private hospitals, Remedies, Standard of care, Underprivileged
Download Judgment: English Portuguese Spanish

Savage v. South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2008
Court: House of Lords
Citation: [2008] UKHL 74
Health Topics: Hospitals, Medical malpractice, Mental health
Human Rights: Right to life

In July 2004 CS was being treated as a detained patient at Runwell Hospital under the Mental Health Act. She absconded and went on to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a train. A public inquest was held and concluded that the precautions in place at the hospital were inadequate. S, the daughter …Read more

Tags: Compulsory commitment, Duty of care, Involuntary commitment, Mandatory commitment, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental illness, Mental institution, Negligence, Schizophrenia, Suicide, Tort
Download Judgment: English

Botros v Beadle

Country: Canada
Year: 2007
Court: Ontario Superior Court of Justice – Divisional Court
Citation: [2007] OJ No 3156
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health care and health services, Health information, Hospitals, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Right of access to information, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to privacy

Botros was a specialist in psychiatry and sleep medicine. Three patients complained to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (“the CPSO”) that Botros improperly diagnosed and treated them and that his communications were rude and unprofessional. It was also alleged that Botros withheld information and patient data from the successor physician. The Inquiries, …Read more

Tags: Clinics, Confidentiality, Diagnostics, Disclosure, Freedom of information, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Health data, Health facilities, Health records, Inadequate treatment, Inappropriate treatment, Medical records, Misdiagnosis, Negligence, Non-disclosure, Public hospitals, Secrecy, Testing
Download Judgment: English

Eggertsdóttir, Sara Lind v. Iceland

Country: Iceland
Year: 2007
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 31930/04, Eur. Ct. H.R. 553 (2007).
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Disabilities, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Medical malpractice, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial

The applicant, an Icelandic national was born physically and mentally handicapped at the National and University Hospital (NUH). Linking the cause to possible mistakes on the part of the hospital staff, the applicant’s parents brought judicial proceedings on her behalf against the State of Iceland. The District Court found that the State was liable and …Read more

Tags: Caesarean, Child development, Childbirth, Children, Compensation, Damages, Disabled, Handicapped, Inappropriate treatment, Infant health, Minor, Negligence, Pregnancy, Remedies
Download Judgment: English French Icelandic

Gonzales v. Carhart

Country: United States
Year: 2007
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: 550 U.S. 124 (2007)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to privacy

The Respondents, doctors who performed second-trimester abortions, brought suit challenging the constitutionality of the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (the Act). The Act banned second trimester abortions using the “intact Dilation & Extraction” (intact D&E) method in which the doctor removed the fetus intact, or largely intact, rather than breaking the fetus …Read more

Tags: Abortion, Abortion technique, Access to treatment, Criminalization, Duty of care, Maternal health, Negligence, Partial birth abortion, Pregnancy, Termination of pregnancy
Download Judgment: English

Laura Albán-Cornejo v. Ecuador

Country: Ecuador
Year: 2007
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Citation: Inter-Am. Ct. H.R. (ser. C) No. 171 (Nov. 22, 2007).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of expression, Right of access to information, Right to bodily integrity, Right to due process/fair trial, Right to family life, Right to life

On December 13, 1987, Laura Susana Albán-Cornejo was admitted to a private health institution from expressed symptoms of bacterial meningitis. On December 17, 1987, Albán-Cornejo suffered severe pain for which the resident physician prescribed a 10 mg. dose of morphine. The next day, while under medical treatment, Albán-Cornejo died. The parents, who were with their …Read more

Tags: Compensation, Damages, Duty of care, Inappropriate treatment, Meningitis, Negligence, Remedies, Standard of care
Download Judgment: English Spanish

M. Chinnaiyan v. Sri Gokulam Hospital and another

Country: India
Year: 2007
Court: National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Citation: III (2007) CPJ 228 NC;
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Informed consent, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Right to bodily integrity

R. Lalitha, late wife of the Petitioner, M. Chinnaiyan underwent an operation in Sri Gokulam Hospital, the 1st Respondent (R1). In the post operative period, two units of blood from Queen Mary’s Laboratory, the 2nd Respondent (R2), was transfused into her. Soon thereafter, she developed many infections and tested positive for HIV. She later died …Read more

Tags: Blood transfusion, Duty of care, Examination, Negligence, Patient choice, Reimbursement, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Testing
Download Judgment: English