190 judgments found.

Case 2002-026f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2002
Court: Court constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2002-026f, 30 January 2002
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to due process/fair trial

A medical provider was accused of having provided unnecessary medical services paid for by the mandatory healthcare and benefits insurance regime of Belgium, in violation of Article 73 of the Law relating to mandatory healthcare and benefits insurance (“Healthcare Law”), which prohibited the provision of unnecessarily expensive or superfluous services. The medical provider contested the …Read more

Tags: Budget, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Inappropriate treatment, Reimbursement, Social security
Download Judgment: English French Flemish

Case 2002-037f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2002
Court: Court constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2002-037f, 13 February 2002
Health Topics: Aging, Health care and health services
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination
Tags: Health expenditures, Health funding, Health regulation, Health spending, Nursing home
Download Judgment: French Flemish

Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign (No. 1)

Country: South Africa
Year: 2002
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: (CCT9/02) [2002] ZACC 16; 2002 (5) SA 703; 2002 (10) BCLR 1075 (5 July 2002)
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Medicines, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to health

The Constitutional Court was asked to determine whether the appellant (Government) was required to give effect, pending an appeal, to an order of the High Court which directed it to make the drug nevirapine available to mothers and their newborn babies in public health facilities under certain circumstances and conditions. The order concerned the programme …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Budget, Child development, Child mortality, Childbirth, Children, Essential medicines, First-line treatment, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health spending, HIV, HIV positive, Infant health, Infant mortality, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Minor, People living with HIV/AIDS, Pharmaceuticals, Pregnancy, Public hospitals, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign (No. 2)

Country: South Africa
Year: 2002
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: [2002] ZACC 15; 2002 (5) SA 721; 2002 (10) BCLR 1033
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Medicines, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to health

The government of South Africa developed a national public health program to address mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The purpose of the program was to offer HIV-positive pregnant women nevirapine, a drug that prevents the transmission of HIV at birth, free of charge. The program was, however, limited in scope. It only offered nevirapine at certain …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Budget, Child development, Child mortality, Childbirth, Children, Essential medicines, First-line treatment, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health spending, HIV, HIV positive, Infant health, Infant mortality, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Minor, People living with HIV/AIDS, Pharmaceuticals, Pregnancy, Public hospitals, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

Nitecki v. Poland

Country: Poland
Year: 2002
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 65653/01
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Medicines, Poverty
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to life

Applicant Mr. Zdzislaw Nitecki was a Polish national diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 1976. In June 1999, he was prescribed the drug Rilutek to treat his ALS. He appealed to the Kujawsko-Pomorski Health Insurance Fund (“Fund”) to reimburse his out-of-pocket costs, noting that, as a pensioner, he …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, Budget, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Health spending, Low income, Neurological diseases, Noncommunicable diseases, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Pharmaceuticals, Poor, Pricing, Reimbursement, Subsidies, Underprivileged
Download Judgment: English

Ramos, Marta Roxana, et al. v. Province of Buenos Aires, et al.

Country: Argentina
Year: 2002
Court: Supreme Court of Justice [Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina]
Citation: Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación [CSJN] [National Supreme Court of Justice], 12/3/2002, "Ramos, Marta Roxana y otros c/ Buenos Aires, Provincia de y Otros s/Amparo," (R. 1012. XXXVI) (Arg.).
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Diet and nutrition, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals, Poverty
Human Rights: Right to development, Right to education, Right to food, Right to health, Right to housing, Right to social security

Woman living in extreme poverty brought an action against the Ministry of Social Development and Environment of the Nation, the Province of Buenos Aires, and Hospital of Pediatrics Profesor Juan P. Garrahan on behalf of her eight children and herself, seeking, among others, the protection of their rights to food, health, education, and housing; the …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Children, Clinics, Emergency care, Health funding, Health insurance, Minor, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Pediatric health, Public hospitals, Reimbursement, Social security, Subsidies
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Case 2001-020f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2001
Court: Court constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2001-020f, 1st March 2001
Health Topics: Health systems and financing

The Union of Belgian Medical Specialists requested the annulment of certain Belgian laws passed in 1998 regarding medical costs and insurance.

Tags: Budget, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Health spending, Social security
Download Judgment: French Flemish

Case 2001-098f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2001
Court: Court constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2001-098f, 13 July 2001
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, Medicines
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination
Tags: Health expenditures, Health funding, Health regulation, Health spending, Pharmaceuticals, Pricing
Download Judgment: French Flemish

Case 2001-133f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2001
Court: Cour d'arbitrage [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2001-133f, 30 October 2001
Health Topics: Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to due process/fair trial

The National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance’s Medical Control Service asked the Court of Arbitration a preliminary question on articles 141, 146 and 156 of the Law relating to mandatory healthcare and benefits insurance (“Law”), concerning their potential violation of articles 10 and 11 of the Belgian Constitution, and correspondingly, of article 6 of …Read more

Tags: Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Reimbursement, Subsidies
Download Judgment: English French Flemish

Case 2001-159f

Country: Belgium
Year: 2001
Court: Court constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°2001-159f, 19 December 2001
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, Medicines
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to due process/fair trial
Tags: Health expenditures, Health funding, Health regulation, Health spending, Pharmaceuticals, Pricing
Download Judgment: French Flemish