133 judgments found.

Case 26/2003-R

Country: Bolivia
Year: 2003
Court: Constitutional Tribunal [Tribunal Constitucional]
Citation: Ana María Romero de Campero, Defensora del Pueblo v. Máximo García Bonilla, et al., General Manager of Health
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to life, Right to social security

The applicant ombudsman, representing N.N., brought an action against the President and General Auditor of the Supreme Court of Military Justice, and against the General Manager and Manager of Health of Military Social Security Corporation (COSSMIL). The applicant alleged that by denying N.N. a right to medical treatment, his right to health, life and social …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Health insurance, Health spending, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Military, People living with HIV/AIDS, Social security
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Case T-465/03

Country: Colombia
Year: 2003
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constitutional Court], Sala Tercera de Revisión junio 5, 2003, M.P.: Manuel José Cepeda Espinoza, Sentencia T-465/03 (Colom.).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Medicines
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to education, Right to health, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to life, Right to privacy, Right to work

Mr. XX filed a tutela action (appeal for legal protection) against the Ministry of National Defence-School of Cadets for expelling him after discovering that he was HIV-positive during a blood donation. The discharge occurred two months before the petitioner was to be promoted to Second Lieutenant. The petitioner had passed all health exams and was found …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Diagnostics, Employment, Essential medicines, Examination, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Military, People living with HIV/AIDS, Pharmaceuticals, PLHIV, Testing
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda

Country: Burundi, Congo, DRC, Rwanda, Uganda
Year: 2003
Court: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
Citation: (2004) AHRLR 19 (ACHPR 2003); Communication 227/99
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Disasters and emergencies, Health care and health services, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of movement and residence, Right to bodily integrity, Right to family life, Right to health, Right to life, Right to property

The Democratic Republic of Congo initiated proceedings before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, alleging that the respondent countries (Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda) committed various human rights violations. The Democratic Republic of Congo alleged that the respondent countries committed multiple massacres against people of the Democratic Republic of Congo including attacking Inga hydroelectric …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Armed conflict, Assault, Children, Execution, Forced displacement, HIV, HIV positive, Manmade disaster, Military, Militias, Public hospitals, Rape, Sexual assault, Sexual violence, Transmission, Violence against women
Download Judgment: English

Doe v. United States Postal Service

Country: United States
Year: 2003
Court: District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals
Citation: 317 F.3d 339 (2003)
Health Topics: Disabilities, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases
Human Rights: Right to privacy

The Appellant, Doe, brought an action against his employer, the U.S. Postal Service, for the Postal Service’s disclosure of his HIV status in violation of both the Privacy Act and the Rehabilitation Act. Doe’s status was first revealed to Postal Service officials as part of a request for leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Employment, Health information, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Medical records, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Secrecy, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

Irvin and Johnson Ltd. v. Trawler and Line Fishing Union, et al.

Country: South Africa
Year: 2003
Court: Labour Court of South Africa
Citation: (4) BLLR 379 (SALC)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Informed consent, Occupational health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to privacy

The Applicant, Irvin and Johnson Limited, wished to arrange for the voluntary and anonymous HIV testing of the more than 1,100 employees in its trawling division. The testing was to be based on the principle of informed consent and accompanied by pre- and post-test counselling. However, the age and job category of the tested employee …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Compulsory testing, Confidentiality, Counseling, Health education, Health promotion, HIV, HIV status, Informed choice, Involuntary testing, Mandatory testing, Most-at-risk, Non-consensual testing and treatment, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Testing
Download Judgment: English

Liga de Amas de Casa, Consumidores y Usuarios de la República Argentina et al. v. GCBA

Country: Argentina
Year: 2003
Court: Superior Court of Justice of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires [Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires]
Citation: Expte. nº 480/00
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right of access to information, Right to family life, Right to life

The League of Housewives, Consumers and Users of Argentina [Liga de Amas de Casa, Consumidores y Usuarios de la República Argentina] requested that judiciary declare that articles 5 and 7 of Act 418 and its amendment 439 of the City of Buenos Aires were contrary to the National Constitution. The Plaintiff alleged that under the …Read more

Tags: Abortion, AIDS, Awareness, Birth control, Condoms, Contraception, Contraceptives, Family planning, Health education, Health promotion, HIV, Parental consent, Pregnancy
Download Judgment: Spanish

AIDS Access Foundation, et al.. v. Bristol Myers-Squibb, et al.

Country: Thailand
Year: 2002
Court: Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court
Citation: Black Case No. Tor Por 34/2544, Red Case No. 92/2545 (2002)
Health Topics: HIV/AIDS, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to life

The Plaintiffs were the AIDS Access Foundation, a non-governmental organization committed to protecting the rights and welfare of people living with HIV, and two persons living with HIV. The Defendant, Bristol Myers-Squibb, is a multinational pharmaceutical company based in the United States. The Court also summoned the Department of Intellectual Property as co-defendant. Defendant Bristol …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to medicines, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Essential medicines, Generic drugs, HIV, HIV positive, Intellectual property, Manufacturing, Patents, People living with HIV/AIDS, Pharmaceuticals, PLHIV
Download Judgment: English

Case 12-2002

Country: El Salvador
Year: 2002
Court: Supreme Court - Constitutional Chamber
Citation: No. 12-2002
Health Topics: Health care and health services, HIV/AIDS, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to health
Tags: Access to drugs, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, HIV, HIV positive
Download Judgment: Spanish

Case 538-2000

Country: El Salvador
Year: 2002
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: No. 538-2000
Health Topics: Health care and health services, HIV/AIDS, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to life
Tags: Access to drugs, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, HIV, HIV positive
Download Judgment: English Spanish

H v. Associated Newspapers and Anr.

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2002
Court: Court of Appeal, Civil Division
Citation: [2002] EWCA Civ 195
Health Topics: Health information, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases
Human Rights: Freedom of expression, Right of access to information, Right to privacy

H was diagnosed as HIV positive whilst working as a care worker for the second respondent, N, the responsible health authority. Upon being diagnosed, H ceased to carry on practice as a healthcare worker and notified N of the reason for this. Under the Department of Health Guidelines (the ”guidelines”) patients who had undergone medical …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Awareness, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Freedom of information, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Non-disclosure, Notification, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Secrecy, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English