133 judgments found.

C., C., et al. v. Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Country: Argentina
Year: 1997
Court: Civil and Commercial Court of Appeals of Bahía Blanca [Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Civil y Comercial de Bahía Blanca, Sala II]
Citation: C., C. y otros c/ Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, C. Civ. y Com., Bahia Blanca, Sala II, LLBA1997, 1122, 2/9/1997 (Arg.).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to bodily integrity, Right to health, Right to life

Persons living with HIV/AIDS had filed a guarantee of protection of individual constitutional rights (amparo protection) with the the lower court against the Ministry of Health, claiming that their HIV/AIDS medical treatment was willingly suspended, violating their right to health and jeopardizing their right to life. After the filing of the action, the treatment was …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health spending, HIV, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV
Download Judgment: English Spanish

Case SU-480/97

Country: Colombia
Year: 1997
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Informed consent, Medicines
Human Rights: Freedom of association, Right to health, Right to life, Right to social security

The case combined six writs of tutela that were filed against the Institute of Social Security (ISS) into one record. The Plaintiffs were persons living with HIV who had not been able to obtain protease inhibitors to treat their HIV. The protease inhibitors sought by the Plaintiffs were antiretrovirals used in the treatment of HIV …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Budget, Generic drugs, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, HIV, Informed choice, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Patient choice, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Reimbursement, Social security, Subsidies
Download Judgment: English Spanish

D v. The United Kingdom

Country: United Kingdom
Year: 1997
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 30240/96, 24 Eur. H.R. Rep. 423 (1997).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Medicines
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of movement and residence, Right to health, Right to life, Right to privacy

The applicant, an individual suffering HIV/AIDS, brought action under Article 3 (freedom from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) of the European Convention on Human Rights when he was threatened with expulsion from UK to St Kitts where he would not have access to necessary medical treatment and no family home or close …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Access to health care, Access to medicines, Access to treatment, AIDS, Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Asylum, Cruel treatment, Degrading treatment, Essential medicines, First-line treatment, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Immigration, Inhuman treatment, Migrants, People living with HIV/AIDS, Pharmaceuticals, PLHIV, Refugees, Second-line treatment, Secondary care, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Torture
Download Judgment: English French Russian

Doe v. Marsh

Country: United States
Year: 1997
Court: 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal
Citation: 105 F.3d 106 (1997)
Health Topics: Health information, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases
Human Rights: Right to privacy

The Appellants, Doe and Roe, brought this claim alleging that the respondent, Marsh, violated their right to privacy under the US Constitution. Doe and Roe were HIV positive individuals active in various HIV/AIDS support and advocacy organizations; both had participated in educational seminars for social workers and educators focused on HIV prevention. The seminars were …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Employment, Health information, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Secrecy, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

IW v. City of Perth

Country: Australia
Year: 1997
Court: High Court
Citation: [1997] HCA 30; 191 CLR 1; (1997) 94 LGERA 224; (1997) 146 ALR 696; (1997) 71 ALJR 943
Health Topics: Disabilities, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination

IW was a member of the incorporated association known as People Living With AIDS (WA) Inc. (PLWA). PLWA applied for planning approval from the City of Perth for the use of premises as a daytime drop-in center for persons infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS. The City, via its executive body, the Council, refused the …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Clinics, Disabled, HIV, HIV positive, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs
Download Judgment: English

Mx of Bombay Indian Inhabitant v. M/S. Zy and Anr

Country: India
Year: 1997
Court: High Court - Bombay
Citation: AIR 1997 Bom 406; 1997 (3) BomCR 354; (1997) 2 BOMLR 504
Health Topics: HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Occupational health, Poverty
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to life, Right to work

The Petitioner, MX, was a casual labourer working for the Respondent, M/s ZY, a State owned corporation. Before his employment could be regularized, the Respondent required the Petitioner to undergo medical tests, including tests for HIV antibodies. The Petitioner passed all fitness requirements presented in the examination except those for HIV antibodies. The Respondent, upon …Read more

Tags: AIDS, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Injecting drug users, Occupational health and safety, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Underprivileged
Download Judgment: English

Z v. Finland

Country: Finland
Year: 1997
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 22009/93, 25 Eur. H.R. Rep. 371 (1997).
Health Topics: Health information, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence
Human Rights: Right to family life, Right to privacy

The applicant, a Finnish national, had been married to X, who was not a Finnish national, at the time the events occurred. They were both infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). X was convicted for rape and during the criminal proceedings the court gave orders requiring the applicant’s medical advisers to give evidence. In …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Confidentiality, Disclosure, Health information, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Non-disclosure, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Rape, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Sexual violence, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Violence against women

A. & Ors. v. Denmark

Country: Denmark
Year: 1996
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: App. No. 20826/92, 22 Eur. H.R. Rep. 458 (1996).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial

The applicants were Danish citizens infected with HIV through State administered blood transfusions, who filed a violation of Article 6 of the Convention (right to court) claim. Eight of the applicants were victims and two were relatives of victims, who through frequent blood transfusions at Danish Hospitals were infected with HIV. The eight applicants/victims joined …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, AIDS, Blood transfusion, Health regulation, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Inappropriate treatment, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, Standard of care, Testing
Download Judgment: English

C v. Minister of Correctional Services

Country: South Africa
Year: 1996
Court: High Court
Citation: 1996 (4) SA 292 (T)
Health Topics: Health information, HIV/AIDS, Infectious diseases, Informed consent, Prisons
Human Rights: Right of access to information, Right to privacy

While a prisoner in custody of the defendant, the plaintiff was informed by the prison nurse in the presence of other prisoners that he was to undergo a blood test for HIV and that he had the right to refuse such test. This information was repeated to the plaintiff in a closed consulting room, but …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Compulsory testing, Confidentiality, Custody, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Informed choice, Inmate, Involuntary testing, Jail, Mandatory testing, Most-at-risk, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Patient choice, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Transmission
Download Judgment: English

Case SU-256/96

Country: Colombia
Year: 1996
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health information, HIV/AIDS, Informed consent, Occupational health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to privacy, Right to social security, Right to work

Mr. XX, the Plaintiff, worked for the Gun Club Corporation, the Respondent, from 16 March 1992 until 1 July 1994. On 28 April 1994, Dr. Alvaro Murra Erazo, who was working for the Respondent, administered an HIV test to the Plaintiff. After receiving a positive result, the Plaintiff was advised by Dr. Murra to resign …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Compulsory testing, Confidentiality, Employment, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Involuntary testing, Job safety, Mandatory testing, Non-consensual testing and treatment, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Safe working conditions, Transmission, Workers' compensation
Download Judgment: English Spanish