Region: Americas
Year: 2007
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to bodily integrity, Right to liberty and security of person
Tags: Abortion, Abortion technique, Access to health care, Access to treatment, Conscientious objection, Criminalization, Emergency care, Late-term abortion, Maternal health, Pregnancy, Termination of pregnancy, Therapeutic abortion
The petitioner brought an tutela action (appeal for legal protection) against SALUDVIDA E.P.S., a health insurance company, for violation of her right to surgical abortion, seeking legal protection of her right to psychological and physical integrity and permission to have an abortion. The petitioner claimed that during the fifth month of her pregnancy, her fetus had been diagnosed with encephalopathy and other congenital diseases, making the fetus’ life non-viable. Upon her decision to have an abortion, SALUDVIDA refused to allow the abortion, claiming that the doctor’s diagnosis did not mention the need for an abortion. The petitioner argued that SALUDVIDA’s refusal caused her grave physiological and physical trauma, leading her to seek judicial permission for an abortion.
The appeal for legal protection was first submitted to a lower court, where the judge excused himself from the case on conscientious objection grounds because of his religious beliefs. However, the judge pointed out that there had been no medical recommendation by the doctor for an abortion. Because the petitioner had no protection, she could not have an abortion and was forced to continue the pregnancy until the 37th week, when the petitioner had to have an emergency cesarean giving birth to a fetus that after 5 minutes died. This decision and procedure had judicial authorization.
The Court held that since the controversial fact had already occurred, the petitioner's claim for legal protection became moot. Because the petitioner had already "given birth" and was receiving psychological and physical attention, the charge for liability also became moot.
The Court highlighted the fact that tutela action (appeal for legal protection) is intended for the protections of fundamental rights being violated during its process. Hence, since the petitioner's psychological and physical violations ceased to exist because the health care services had been provided, the Court considered the case moot.
"Mediante sentencia de 18 de octubre de 2006, el Juzgado Primero Civil Municipal de Cúcuta, decidió denegar el amparo invocado por la accionante. A juicio de la juez de instancia en el caso de la señora Pérez Ascanio no se presenta ninguna de las causales de despenalización previstas por la Corte Constitucional en la sentencia C-355 de 2006. En tal sentido, consideró que no es posible practicar un aborto cuando éste se sustenta en la voluntad de la madre sin que exista un diagnóstico médico que así lo ordene." Sec. I.17.
"5. En suma, la Corte constata que en el caso estudiado ha cesado la vulneración o amenaza de los derechos fundamentales comprometidos, y por lo tanto, la acción de tutela carece de objeto, en la medida en que bajo estas nuevas condiciones no existe una orden a impartir ni un perjuicio que evitar. En tal sentido, la Corte confirmará la sentencia proferida por el Juzgado Primero Civil Municipal de Cúcuta que resolvió la acción de tutela promovida por Yolanda Pérez Ascanio en contra de SALUDVIDA y el Instituto Departamental de Salud de Norte de Santander, este último vinculado en sede de revisión." Sec. II.5.
"Si bien durante la resolución del presente caso no existía la regulación para la práctica del aborto en las circunstancias despenalizadas, debe la Corte resaltar que el 13 de diciembre de 2006, el Ministerio de la Protección Social expidió el Decreto 4444 de 2006 mediante el cual se reglamenta la prestación de servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva. En particular, el acceso de las mujeres gestantes a la atención en salud en los casos en que resulte aplicable la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo de acuerdo con la despenalización del aborto prevista en la sentencia C-355 de 2006. En tal sentido, a través de la Resolución 4905 de 2006, el Ministerio de la Protección Social adoptó la norma técnica para la Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo: “Aborto sin riesgo: Guía técnica y de políticas para sistemas de salud” de la Organización Mundial de la Salud." Sec. II.6.