Year of entry into force: 1956
Region: Europe
Legal Status: Intergovernmental - Legally Binding
Article 1
The term “cripples”, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall include all persons, military or civilian who, as a result of war, have suffered an amputation or who are suffering from impairment of the power of movement.
The provisions of the present Agreement may in due course be extended to other categories of invalids following an exchange of letters between two or more of the Contracting Parties.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall, through the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, exchange technical information on medical treatment afforded to cripples in their respective countries.
They shall, in particular, indicate those specific forms of treatment which it is possible to give in their countries to the various categories of cripples and also the possibilities of receiving cripples who are nationals of the other Parties.
Article 3
Any Contracting Party shall receive in its territory, within the limits specified in the second paragraph of the preceding article, crippled nationals, duly sponsored, of the other Parties, in order that they may benefit by any special treatment of which they stand in need and which is not available in their own country.
The appropriate Ministry in the country responsible for the requesting cripple shall transmit such request for entry directly to the appropriate Ministry in the country able to provide the necessary treatment. Each case shall be treated individually between the said Parties.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate the delivery between themselves of artificial limbs and of orthopaedic equipment where these are lacking and of urgent need to their cripples.
Article 5
A Contracting Party shall endeavour to receive in its territory medical personnel and skilled technicians from any other Party in order that these may complete their training in therapy in the manufacture of artificial limbs and in the functional re-education of cripples.
Article 6
The costs arising from the provisions contained in Articles 3 and 5 of the present Agreement shall be borne exclusively by the requesting country.
The receiving country will, as far as possible, reduce the amount of these costs.