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258 judgments found.
Australia Year: 1996
Court: Supreme Court of New South Wales
Citation: [1996] Aust Torts Reports 81
Health Topics:
Child and adolescent health,
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health information,
Medical malpractice,
Medicines Facts: The plaintiff is the father of a child who suffered from seizures and who received brain damage due to a particular seizure. During that particular seizure, the mother had sent another child to call the local doctor, one of the defendants, who did not come. As New Zealand imposes a statutory duty on doctors to …Read more
Tags: Access to drugs,
Access to medicines,
Access to treatment,
Duty of care,
Emergency care,
Inadequate treatment,
Neurological diseases,
Pediatric health,
Standard of care,
United Kingdom Year: 1995
Court: Court of Appeal, Civil Division
Citation: [1995] 2 All ER 129 (CA); [1995] EWCA Civ 49
Health Topics:
Child and adolescent health,
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health systems and financing,
Informed consent,
Medicines Human Rights: Right to health,
Right to life Facts: The child “B” had a long history of unsuccessful treatments fo her cancer. In January 1995, B suffered a further relapse of acute myeloid leukaemia. Both the doctor who oversaw B’s treatment since the initial diagnosis and the doctor who performed a prior bone marrow transplant agreed that the child had approximately six to eight …Read more
Tags: Access to treatment,
Experimental treatment,
Health care professionals,
Health care workers,
Health expenditures,
Health facilities,
Health funding,
Health insurance,
Health spending,
Noncommunicable diseases,
Patient choice,
Pediatric health,
Private hospitals,
Public hospitals,
Second-line treatment,
Tertiary care
India Year: 1995
Court: Supreme Court of India
Citation: Consumer Educ. & Research Ctr. v. Union of India, 1995 S.C.C. (3) (India).
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health systems and financing,
Occupational health Human Rights: Right to favorable working conditions,
Right to health,
Right to life,
Right to social security Facts: The Consumer Education and Research Center filed several writ petitions against the State of India under Article 32 (obligation to promote social justice and welfare of the people) of the Indian Constitution regarding the protection of workers against the occupational health hazards and diseases associated with asbestos exposure. The petitioner applied for remedial measures to …Read more
Tags: Asbestos,
Health insurance,
Occupational hazards,
Occupational health and safety,
Safe working conditions,
Workers' compensation
Zambia Year: 1993
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: (1993-1994) Z.R. 41 (S.C.)
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health systems and financing Human Rights: Right to health,
Right to social security Facts: The Appellant was employed by the Zambian Government as an accountant with the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Upon recommendation for further evaluation of his medical condition he travelled to the United Kingdom where he underwent elective heart surgery. He then claimed reimbursement of his medical expenses from his employer under the Conditions of Service for …Read more
Tags: Access to health care,
Access to treatment,
Aged persons,
Health funding,
Health insurance,
Heart disease,
Noncommunicable diseases,
Older persons,
Out-of-pocket expenditures,
Secondary care,
Senior citizens,
Social security,
Belgium Year: 1993
Court: Court Constitutionnelle [Constitutional Court of Belgium]
Citation: C. C., n°1993-017f, 4 March 1993
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health information,
Health systems and financing,
Tobacco Facts: This case considered whether Article 7 §2 of the law dated January 24, 1977 (“Article 7 §2”) from the Belgian Federal Parliament (governing the protection of consumer health with respect to nutritional foodstuff) or Article 13 of the decree dated December 2, 1982 (“Article 13”) from the Council of the French Community (restricting certain advertising …Read more
Tags: Advertising,
Health education,
Health promotion,
Health regulation,
Smoking cessation,
Tobacco control,
Tobacco regulation
Nicaragua Year: 1992
Court: Supreme Court of Justice
Citation: Corte Supreme de Justicia, ELECTROQUIMICA PESADA S.A. c. Ministro de Economía y Desarrollo, y otros,
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Environmental health,
Occupational health,
Public safety Human Rights: Right to a clean environment,
Right to favorable working conditions,
Right to work Facts: Electroquimica Pesada S.A. (the “Company”), was operating with outdated equipment and was releasing emissions of chlorine and other noxious gases into the environment that posed harm to both its employees as well as the residents of Nicaragua. The Company was required to shut down its operations by a series of orders issued by the Minister …Read more
Tags: Air pollution,
Air safety,
Environmental hazards,
Lung disease,
Occupational hazards,
Occupational health and safety,
Pulmonary disease,
Safe working conditions
France Year: 1991
Court: Conseil constitutionnel [Constitutional Council]
Citation: C. C., n°90-283 DC, 08 January 1991
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Tobacco Human Rights: Freedom of expression,
Right to health,
Right to property Facts: Prior to promulgation, the constitutionality of Articles 3, 4, 10 and 12 of the January 12, 1991 law no. 91-32, Loi relative à la lutte contre le tabagisme et l’alcoolisme (Law relating to the fight against smoking and alcoholism) was challenged in the Conseil Constitutionnel. The law, also known as the “Loi Évin” after its …Read more
Tags: Non-communicable diseases,
Smoking cessation,
Tobacco control,
Tobacco regulation
Sweden Year: 1991
Court: The European Court of Human Rights
Citation: Case No. 61/1990/252/323
Health Topics:
Child and adolescent health,
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Mental health Human Rights: Right to family life,
Right to privacy Facts: Roger Anderson (son of Margareta) was taken into public care on a provisional basis. When he started school, it was found that he lacked social skills and maturity. Margareta rejected suggestions made by the Social welfare authorities. Roger stopped attending school in December 1984. Margareta and Roger moved to an address unknown to the authorities …Read more
Tags: Children,
Health facilities,
Mental competence,
Canada Year: 1982
Court: United Nations Human Rights Committee
Citation: Communication No. 67/1980, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/OP/1 at 20
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Environmental health Human Rights: Right to a clean environment,
Right to life,
Right to water and sanitation Facts: This communication was filed by the chairperson of the Port Hope Environmental Group on behalf of the residents of Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. From 1945 to 1952, Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., a federal Crown Corporation, disposed of nuclear waste in dumpsites within Port Hope, a town of 10,000 people. In 1975, large-scale pollution of residences and …Read more
Tags: Biohazard,
Genetic disease,
Industrial waste,
Nuclear radiation,
Nuclear waste,
Toxic waste,
Waste management,
Water pollution
United States Year: 1982
Court: Court of Appeal, First District, Division 1, California
Citation: Payton v. Weaver 182 Cal. Rptr. 225 (Cal. Ct. App. 1982)
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Controlled substances,
Health care and health services,
Medical malpractice,
Mental health,
Poverty Human Rights: Right to health Facts: Appellant, Brenda Payton, suffered from end stage renal disease and required weekly dialysis. She also suffered from drug addition, mental illness, and poverty. She brought action against respondents, physician John C Weaver, Jr. and Alba Bates and Herrick hospitals, in form of petition for writ of mandate alleging that they wrongly failed to provide her …Read more
Tags: Access to health care,
Access to treatment,
Drug abuse,
Duty of care,
Kidney disease,
Low income,
Mental illness,
Substance abuse
Download Judgment:
United States Year: 1980
Court: Supreme Court of California
Citation: 27 Cal.3d 465
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health information,
Occupational health Facts: Rudkin, a long-time employee of the defendant corporation, developed pneumoconiosis, lung cancer, or other asbestos-related illnesses from his work with asbestos. The defendant knew about the harms of exposure to asbestos, yet it hid that information from Rudkin and continued to encourage him to work in an unsafe environment. After Rudkin had developed an industrial …Read more
Tags: Access to treatment,
Lung disease,
Occupational disease,
Workers' compensation
Ireland Year: 1976
Court: European Commission on Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 6839/74
Health Topics:
Child and adolescent health,
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health systems and financing Human Rights: Right to health,
Right to life,
Right to social security Facts: The applicant argued that the refusal of the authorities to give her disabled daughter a medical card constituted a breach of her daughter’s right to life guaranteed by Article 2 (right to life) of the European Convention of Human Rights (“the Convention”). The applicant’s daughter suffered from a serious deformation of the larynx, which prevented …Read more
Tags: Access to health care,
Access to treatment,
Health funding,
Health insurance,
Infant health,
Noncommunicable diseases,
Pediatric health,
Physically challenged
Ireland Year: 1970
Court: European Commission on Human Rights
Citation: Application No. 3717/68
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Diet and nutrition,
Health care and health services,
Prisons Human Rights: Right to due process/fair trial,
Right to privacy Facts: Applicant, a stateless person with a Swedish alien’s passport, was arrested in Scotland on suspicion of committing murder in Ireland. Applicant was taken to Ireland, convicted of murder, and sentenced to penal servitude for life. Applicant claimed that his trial was “rigged and fixed” as a result of a conspiracy between the judge, his own …Read more
Tags: Abuse,
Access to treatment,
Hunger strike,
Inadequate treatment,
Prison conditions,
Skin disease
Australia Year: 1961
Court: Privy Council
Citation: [1961] AC 927; [1961] 3 All ER 203; [1961] 3 WLR 747; 105 SJ 606
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Occupational health Facts: Ms. Nash brought an action for compensation under the Victorian Worker’s Compensation Act 1928 (the 1928 Act) against her former employers, Sunshine Porcelain. She claimed compensation was payable after she contracted silicosis in the workplace. Sunshine Porcelain Potteries employed Ms. Nash in the years 1931-38. During her time as an employee of Sunshine Porcelain, Ms. …Read more
Tags: Asbestos,
Job safety,
Lung disease,
Noncommunicable diseases,
Occupational disease,
Occupational hazards,
Occupational health and safety,
Workers' compensation
Philippines Year: 1946
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: G.R. No. L-982
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Infectious diseases,
Prisons Human Rights: Right to liberty and security of person Facts: The Petitioner was an accused seeking bail on the grounds of ill health. In the meantime, he had filed a motion asking for permission to be confined and treated in a hospital while the bail petition was being considered. The People’s Court ordered that the Petitioner be temporarily confined and treated in the Quezon Institute, …Read more
Tags: Access to drugs,
Access to health care,
Access to medicines,
Access to treatment,
Low income,
Lung disease,
Colombia Year:
Court: Constitutional Court [Corte Constitucional]
Citation: Constitutional Court, Fifth Revision Chamber, January 16, 2004, Magistrate: Dr. Rodrigo Escobar Gil, Ruling T-011/04
Health Topics:
Chronic and noncommunicable diseases,
Health care and health services,
Health systems and financing,
Medicines Human Rights: Right to health,
Right to life,
Right to social security Facts: Jose Vicente Moreno, the plaintiff, was affiliated with the health promoting entity E.P.S. of the I.S.S. del Valle (“E.P.S of I.S.S.”). Due E.P.S. of I.S.S.’s failure to provide medical services that the plaintiff required for the treatment of a catastrophic illness, he filed an transfer request before the health promoting entity Comfenalco E.P.S. (“E.P.S. Comfenalco”), …Read more