13 judgments found.

Black et al. v. City of Toronto

Country: Canada
Year: 2020
Court: Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Citation: 2020 ONSC 6398
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Sexual and reproductive health, Water, sanitation and hygiene

A motion for an interlocutory injunction was brought to prevent the City of Toronto from enforcing its By-law that prohibited camping and erecting tents, structures, and shelters in City parks, City of Toronto Municipal Code, c. 608. The applicants did not challenge the validity of the By-law but sought an order to have it suspended …Read more

Tags: Access to healthcare, Access to treatment, Addiction, Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Cleanliness, Depression, Diabetes, Disabled, Drug abuse, drug users, Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Influenza, Mental health, Noncommunicable diseases, Opioids, People who use drugs, Poverty, Public safety, Pulmonary diseases, Respiratory diseases, Safe drinking water, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual harassment, Substance abuse, violence, water sanitation and hygiene
Download Judgment: English

Thompson v Ontario (Attorney General)

Country: Canada
Year: 2016
Court: Ontario Court of Appeal
Citation: 2016 ONCA 676

The applicants appealed a decision affirming the constitutionality of Brian’s Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform), 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 9. (“Brian’s Law”), which was enacted by the Ontario legislature in 2000. Brian’s Law amended the Mental Health Act (“MHA”), adding provisions that expanded criteria for involuntary committal in a psychiatric hospital and introduced community treatment …Read more

Tags: Community-based care, Compulsory commitment, Compulsory examination, Compulsory treatment, Forced examination, Forced treatment, Health care and health services, Incapacity, Informed choice, Informed consent, Involuntary examination, Mental competence, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental health, Mental institution, Psychiatry, Public safety, Schizophrenia
Download Judgment: English

Mshengu and Others v. Msunduzi Local Municipality and Others

Country: South Africa
Year: 2019
Citation: [2019] 4 All SA 469 (KZP)

The applicants’ claim was based on s. 27(1)(b) of the Constitution – the right to sufficient food and water, which they submitted found further expression in the provisions of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 (“WSA”). Their complaint argued that farm occupiers and labour tenants, especially the applicants, lacked “access to sufficient water, basic …Read more

Tags: Clean water, Cleanliness, Indigent, Potable water, Safe drinking water, Sewage, Waste, Waste management
Download Judgment: English

Krajnc v. Slovenia

Country: Slovenia
Year: 2018
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: no. 38775/14, § 2, ECHR 2018
Human Rights: Right to property, Right to social security

The applicant, Mr. Slavko Krajnc, was a professional truck driver in Celje, Slovenia. On September 29, 2003, Krajnc was deemed to have “category III work-related disability” as a result of his epilepsy, which rendered him unable to work as a truck driver. Accordingly, he had the right to be assigned to a different, more suitable …Read more

Tags: Disabilities, Health systems and financing
Download Judgment: English

Stamen Filipov and Biljana Zhivkovska to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2010
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 109/2009-0-1
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to social security

The Petitioners, Stamen Filipov and Biljana Zhivkovska, challenged a provision excluding certain health services from the Law on Health Insurance (the Law). Article 9 of the Law specified certain services that would be paid for under a compulsory health insurance scheme administered by the Health Insurance Fund (the Fund). Article 10 specified certain services that …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Emergency care, Health care technology, Health facilities, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Primary care, Reimbursement, Secondary care, Social security, Tertiary care, Testing
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Chamber of Crafts to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2010
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 126/2010-0-0
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Infectious diseases, Medicines, Public safety
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to work

The Chamber of Crafts, the petitioner, challenged a provision from the Law on Public Health (the Law) regulating the conditions under which cosmeticians could exercise their craft. The law required cosmeticians to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Health, on top of existing requirements for certification as a craftsperson. The Chamber argued that these …Read more

Tags: Alternative medicine, Health regulation, Noncommunicable diseases, Safety regulation, Skin disease, Traditional medicine
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Miroslav Grcev and Stamen Filipov to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2009
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 261/2008-0-0
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Environmental health, Health information, Tobacco
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom of expression, Freedom of movement and residence, Right to health, Right to life

This case was heard together with case 70/2009-0-0. The Petitioners, Miroslav Grcev and Stamen Filipov, challenged the constitutionality of the Anti-Smoking Law (the Law). The Law banned smoking in public premises, advertising cigarettes, and selling cigarettes to persons under the age of 16. Public premises included institutions for education, health, state administration,  public transport, and …Read more

Tags: Advertising, Air pollution, Awareness, Children, Minor, Passive smoking, Pediatric health, Second-hand smoke, Smoking, Smoking cessation, Tobacco control, Tobacco regulation
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Miroslav Grcev and Stamen Filipov to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2009
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 70/2009-0-0
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Environmental health, Health information, Tobacco
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom of association, Freedom of expression, Freedom of movement and residence, Right to a clean environment, Right to health, Right to life, Right to privacy

This case was heard together with case 261/2008-0-0. The Petitioners, Miroslav Grcev and Stamen Filipov, challenged the constitutionality of the Anti-Smoking Law (the Law). The Law banned smoking in public premises, advertising cigarettes, and selling cigarettes to persons under the age of 16. Public premises included institutions for education, health, state administration,  public transport, and …Read more

Tags: Advertising, Air pollution, Awareness, Children, Minor, Passive smoking, Pediatric health, Second-hand smoke, Smoking, Smoking cessation, Tobacco control, Tobacco regulation
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Citizens’ Association “Polio Plus” to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2008
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 202/2007-0-0
Health Topics: Disabilities, Hospitals, Mental health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to property

Citizens’ Association “Polio Plus” (the Association) challenged provisions of the Law on Mental Health (the Law) that regulated whether or not a person with mental illness would be given the right to possess personal items, such as clothing or items for hygiene, while resident in a mental health facility. These provisions stipulated that certain persons …Read more

Tags: Disabled, Health facilities, Mental disability, Mental illness, Psychiatry
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Ombudsperson of the Republic of Macedonia to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2007
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 45/2006-0-0
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to social security

The Ombudsperson of the Republic of Macedonia (the Ombudsperson) challenged a provision from the Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Health Insurance (the Law). The Law provided that insurees would have a right to basic health services from health facilities that had concluded a contract with the Health Insurance Fund (the Fund), but …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Budget, Health facilities, Health funding, Health insurance, Health spending, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Primary care, Reimbursement, Secondary care, Tertiary care
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Radovan Zecevic to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2006
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 60/2006-0-0
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to social security

The Petitioner, Radovan Zecevic, challenged a provision from the Law on Health Insurance (the Law) which excluded any health conditions resulting from the conduct of a criminal offence or a misdemeanour from being funded under the Law. Zecevic argued that the provision was contrary to the right to equality, the right to social security, and …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Emergency care, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Primary care, Secondary care, Social security, Tertiary care
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Stamen Filipov to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2006
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 16/2006-0-0
Health Topics: Controlled substances, Mental health, Prisons
Human Rights: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of expression, Right to bodily integrity, Right to due process/fair trial

The Petitioner, Stamen Filipov, challenged Article 178, a provision regulating solitary confinement, of the Law on Execution of Sanctions (the Law). The Law gave the Director of a prison or his/her substitute the power to institute certain disciplinary measures against convicted persons, including warnings, public warnings, confiscation of up to 20% of the compensation for …Read more

Tags: Abuse, Cruel treatment, Custody, Degrading treatment, Detainee, Detention, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Humiliating treatment, Imprisonment, Incarceration, Inhuman treatment, Inmate, Jail, Mental illness, Prison conditions, Solitary confinement
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Stamen Filipov to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2004
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 112/2003-0-0
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Hospitals
Human Rights: Right to favorable working conditions, Right to health

The Petitioner, Stamen Filipov, challenged a provision regulating right to strike for employees in health care organizations from the Law on Health Care (the Law). The provision stipulated that health care workers had a right to strike as long as doing so did not risk the life and health of citizens. Accordingly, it laid down …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Emergency care, Employment, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Health facilities
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

M.V. to the Supreme Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2004
Court: Supreme Court
Citation: U.No. 533/02
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals

The Plaintiff, on behalf of his child, requested full reimbursement for the child’s treatment in Croatia. The Plaintiff had received authorization from the Health Insurance Fund for reimbursement of travel and medical costs for up to 30 days of treatment in the facility in Croatia. He then sought a further 35 days treatment, which was …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Clinics, Health facilities, Health funding, Health insurance, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Reimbursement, Secondary care, Tertiary care
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Stamen Filipov to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 2003
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 6/2003-0-0
Health Topics: Health systems and financing, Public safety
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to social security

The Petitioner, Stamen Filipov, challenged several provisions of the Law on Insurance (the Law), which required owners and the users of motor vehicles, aircrafts, ships, motor powered boats and railway vehicles to conclude insurance contracts. Filipov challenged these compulsory insurance provisions on the basis that they forced parties to conclude contracts they did not agree …Read more

Tags: Health insurance, Health regulation, Safety regulation, Traffic safety
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Joint Stock Company “Transkop”, Bitola to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 1997
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 77/1998-0-0
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to social security

The Joint Stock Company ‘Transkop’, Bitola (the Company), challenged two bylaws establishing conditions on the funding of treatment abroad by the Health Insurance Fund. These bylaws were the Rulebook on the conditions and manner for referring the insurees to treatment abroad (the Rulebook) and the Resolution of the Minister of Health no.02-1439/1 delivered on February …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Access to treatment, Emergency care, Employment, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Reimbursement, Social security, Tertiary care
Download Judgment: English Macedonian

Macedonian Trade Union Association to the Constitutional Court

Country: Macedonia
Year: 1996
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: 23/1996-0-0
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to social security

The Macedonian Trade Union Association and the Trade Union of Construction, Construction Material Industry and Design of the Republic of Macedonia challenged the constitutionality of Articles 11, 16 paragraph 3 and 203-a of the Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Health Care (“the Law”). Article 11 of the Law required insured workers to …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Employment, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Health spending, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Primary care, Social security
Download Judgment: English Macedonian
