20 judgments found.

Black et al. v. City of Toronto

Country: Canada
Year: 2020
Court: Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Citation: 2020 ONSC 6398
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Sexual and reproductive health, Water, sanitation and hygiene

A motion for an interlocutory injunction was brought to prevent the City of Toronto from enforcing its By-law that prohibited camping and erecting tents, structures, and shelters in City parks, City of Toronto Municipal Code, c. 608. The applicants did not challenge the validity of the By-law but sought an order to have it suspended …Read more

Tags: Access to healthcare, Access to treatment, Addiction, Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Cleanliness, Depression, Diabetes, Disabled, Drug abuse, drug users, Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Influenza, Mental health, Noncommunicable diseases, Opioids, People who use drugs, Poverty, Public safety, Pulmonary diseases, Respiratory diseases, Safe drinking water, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual harassment, Substance abuse, violence, water sanitation and hygiene
Download Judgment: English

Thompson v Ontario (Attorney General)

Country: Canada
Year: 2016
Court: Ontario Court of Appeal
Citation: 2016 ONCA 676

The applicants appealed a decision affirming the constitutionality of Brian’s Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform), 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 9. (“Brian’s Law”), which was enacted by the Ontario legislature in 2000. Brian’s Law amended the Mental Health Act (“MHA”), adding provisions that expanded criteria for involuntary committal in a psychiatric hospital and introduced community treatment …Read more

Tags: Community-based care, Compulsory commitment, Compulsory examination, Compulsory treatment, Forced examination, Forced treatment, Health care and health services, Incapacity, Informed choice, Informed consent, Involuntary examination, Mental competence, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental health, Mental institution, Psychiatry, Public safety, Schizophrenia
Download Judgment: English

Mshengu and Others v. Msunduzi Local Municipality and Others

Country: South Africa
Year: 2019
Citation: [2019] 4 All SA 469 (KZP)

The applicants’ claim was based on s. 27(1)(b) of the Constitution – the right to sufficient food and water, which they submitted found further expression in the provisions of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 (“WSA”). Their complaint argued that farm occupiers and labour tenants, especially the applicants, lacked “access to sufficient water, basic …Read more

Tags: Clean water, Cleanliness, Indigent, Potable water, Safe drinking water, Sewage, Waste, Waste management
Download Judgment: English

Krajnc v. Slovenia

Country: Slovenia
Year: 2018
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: no. 38775/14, § 2, ECHR 2018
Human Rights: Right to property, Right to social security

The applicant, Mr. Slavko Krajnc, was a professional truck driver in Celje, Slovenia. On September 29, 2003, Krajnc was deemed to have “category III work-related disability” as a result of his epilepsy, which rendered him unable to work as a truck driver. Accordingly, he had the right to be assigned to a different, more suitable …Read more

Tags: Disabilities, Health systems and financing
Download Judgment: English

Horvath et al. v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2013
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: [2013]ECHR 11146/11

The case was the result of an application filed by, Mr.Horváth and Mr. Kiss, Hungarian nationals of Roma origin against the respondent, Republic of Hungary, under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom (hereinafter ‘Convention’) alleging a violation of Article 2 Protocol no. 1 read in conjunction with …Read more

Tags: Freedom from Discrimination, Mental health, Right to Development, Right to education
Download Judgment: English

Case 2012/B/1991

Country: Hungary
Year: 2011
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Informed consent
Human Rights: Right to bodily integrity, Right to health, Right to life

The petitioner sought a declaration of the unconstitutionality and annulment of a Minister of Health Decree which required mandatory lung screening.  This initial Minister of Health Decree was overruled by a Decree of the Minister of Public Welfare (the “challenged Decree”) which regulated “mandatory screening of epidemiological interest content wise”, (it was aimed at detecting cases of …Read more

Tags: Compulsory examination, Compulsory testing, Diagnostics, Examination, Forced examination, Harm reduction, Informed choice, Involuntary examination, Involuntary testing, Mandatory examination, Mandatory testing, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Patient choice, TB, Tuberculosis
Download Judgment: English Hungarian

Case 857/B/2005 AB

Country: Hungary
Year: 2010
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Aging, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Right to health, Right to social security

Petitioner sought a declaration that a certain provision of a government decree regulating minimum pension amounts was unconstitutional because it (a) regulated a fundamental right which could only be done by statute and (b) provided a social security benefit too low to maintain human dignity, which was guaranteed by the Constitution.

Tags: Aged persons, Budget, Elderly, Health funding, Health insurance, Health regulation, Health spending, Older persons, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Senior citizens, Social security
Download Judgment: English

Case of Ternovszky v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2010
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: no. 67545/09, ECHR 2010
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to health, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to privacy, Right to social security

The applicant, Anna Ternovszky, a pregnant woman who intended to give birth at home, filed a complaint before the European Court of Human Rights., alleging that s. 101(2) of Government Decree no. 218/1999 (XII.28.) violated her rights under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”). Ternovszky claimed that health professionals were …Read more

Tags: Access to healthcare, Access to treatment, Child and adolescent health, Childbirth, Health care, Health care and health services, Health care professionals, Infant health, Infant mortality, Informed choice, Informed consent, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Midwifery, Patient choice, Pregnancy, Sexual and reproductive health
Download Judgment: English

A.S. v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2006
Court: Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Citation: Communication No. 4/2004, U.N. Doc. CEDAW/C/36/D/4/2004 (July 14, 2006).
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Hospitals, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right of access to information, Right to family life, Right to health

A.S., a Hungarian-Roma woman in labor, was taken to a public hospital in shock and bleeding heavily. Because the fetus was dead, attending personnel informed her that a caesarean section was needed to remove the fetus. While on the operating table, she was asked to sign a statement of consent, including a hand-written note requesting …Read more

Tags: Caesarean, Compulsory sterilization, Forced sterilization, Informed choice, Involuntary sterilization, Sterilization
Download Judgment: English

Szijjarto v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2006
Court: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Citation: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Thirty-sixth session, 7-25 August 2006, Szijjarto v. Hungary
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, Informed consent, Medical malpractice, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Right to family life

The applicant was a Hungarian Roma woman who claimed that she had been subjected to coerced sterilization by medical staff at a Hungarian hospital. On 30 May 2000, the applicant was examined by a doctor and found to be pregnant with her fourth child, with the delivery date estimated to be 20 December 2000. Meanwhile, …Read more

Download Judgment: English

Gajcsi v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2006
Court: The European Court of Human Rights
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, Mental health, Public safety
Human Rights: Right to liberty and security of person

The applicant was a Hungarian national. On 4 November 1999, he was taken to a psychiatric department of a Hungarian hospital which had notified the district court of the same the next day pursuant to the Hungarian Healthcare Act (the Act). By then, an opinion from appointed expert psychiatrist found that the applicant was admitted …Read more

Download Judgment: English

Case 43/2005 (XI. 14)

Country: Hungary
Year: 2005
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Aging, Health information, Informed consent, Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to family life, Right to privacy

The case involved two petitions that required the Constitutional Court to examine certain elements that imposed regulations on sterilization. The first petitioner challenged the constitutionality of the Minister of Health Decree 12/1987 (VIII. 19.) EüM on Sterilization (hereinafter “D1”), which imposed certain restrictions (related to age and number of prior blood children) on a person …Read more

Tags: Birth control, Compulsory sterilization, Confidentiality, Contraception, Contraceptives, Disclosure, Family planning, Forced sterilization, Health records, Informed choice, Involuntary sterilization, Mandatory sterilization, Maternal health, Medical records, Non-disclosure, Notification, Patient choice, Pregnancy, Secrecy, Spousal consent, Spousal notification, Sterilization
Download Judgment: English

A.T. v. Hungary

Country: Hungary
Year: 2005
Court: Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Citation: Communication No. 2/2003, UN Doc. CEDAW/C/32/D/2/2003 (26 January 2005).
Health Topics: Mental health, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to life

A. T., a Hungarian national, was subjected to severe physical abuse at the hands of her common law husband, L. F., on many occasions over a period of approximately four years. A. T. sought medical attention as a result of ten of these batteries. Despite A. T.’s attempts to protect herself by denying L. F. …Read more

Tags: Domestic abuse, Domestic violence, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Sexual violence, Violence against women
Download Judgment: English

Case 54/2004 (XII.13.)

Country: Hungary
Year: 2004
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Controlled substances
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Right to bodily integrity, Right to health, Right to liberty and security of person, Right to life, Right to privacy

Five petitions brought separate challenges to Act IV of 1978 on the Hungarian Criminal Code (“Act”) related to the misuse of narcotic drugs. They argued that the Parliament had failed to ensure the exercise of the right to self-determination when it ordered the punishment of the production and cultivation of a small amount of narcotic …Read more

Tags: Addiction, Cannabis, Child development, Children, Cocaine, Criminalization, Drug abuse, Drug enforcement, Drug use, Heroin, IDUs, Injecting drug users, Minor, Opioids, Opium, Pediatric health, People who use drugs, Psychotropic drugs, Substance abuse
Download Judgment: English

Case 22/2003 (IV.28)

Country: Hungary
Year: 2003
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health information, Informed consent, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to bodily integrity, Right to life

The Court of Hungary received several petitions regarding the right of patients suffering from terminal illnesses to end their lives with dignity and consolidated the petitions into a single judgment. One petition asked the Court to declare unconstitutional and annul the last sentence in Section 43, paragraph (2) of Act II of 1972 on Healthcare. …Read more

Tags: Awareness, Disclosure, Duty of care, Forced treatment, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Informed choice, Involuntary treatment, Non-consensual testing and treatment, Palliative care, Patient choice, Unauthorized treatment
Download Judgment: English

Case 48/1998 (XI. 23.)

Country: Hungary
Year: 1998
Court: Constitutional Court
Citation: Decision 48/1998 (XI. 23.) AB
Health Topics: Health information, Sexual and reproductive health, Violence
Human Rights: Right to a clean environment, Right to bodily integrity, Right to life, Right to privacy

This case concerned the impact of Hungary’s constitutional guarantee of the right to life on its parliament’s ability to pass abortion laws. Petitioners submitted that Hungary’s Act LXXIX/1992 on the Protection of Foetal Life (“the Act”), regarding permissible abortion, was unconstitutional. The Act allowed a pregnant woman to have an abortion if she was “in …Read more

Tags: Abortion, Abortion counseling, Abortion technique, Birth control, Criminalization, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Notification, Pregnancy, Rape, Termination of pregnancy, Unsafe abortion
Download Judgment: English

Case 1316B/1995

Country: Hungary
Year: 1996
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health

A petition was filed challenging the constitutionality of Section 24 Paragraph 4 of Government Decree 103/1995 (VIII. 25.) on Certain Issues of Social Security Funding of Health Care and its Annex No. 6. It was argued that as a result of these provisions, equal in patient care as a constitutional right, was violated. Financing was …Read more

Tags: Access to health care, Budget, Health expenditures, Health facilities, Health funding, Health insurance, Health spending, Public hospitals, Secondary care, Subsidies
Download Judgment: English

Case 56/1995 (IX.15.) AB

Country: Hungary
Year: 1995
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to property

Petitioners challenged several amendments to statutes regulating employee benefit entitlements, which were inexorably connected to their social security entitlements under Hungary’s “mixed system” of social security (insurance and solidarity). The challenged amendments (1) provided that an employee was entitled to 25 sick days per year, for 5 of which she was not entitled to remuneration, …Read more

Tags: Employment, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health spending, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Social security, Subsidies
Download Judgment: English

Case 537B/1994

Country: Hungary
Year: 1994
Court: Alkotmánybíróság (Constitutional Court)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Right to health

Petitioner challenged the constitutionality of a portion of a decree covering the financing of health services, which included a “professional” factor in determining the amount of funding for local governments. This provided more funding for doctors with higher skills, as opposed to merely the number of years spent as a public servant or the number …Read more

Tags: Health care professionals, Health care workers, Health expenditures, Health funding, Health insurance, Health spending, Primary care, Secondary care
Download Judgment: English Hungarian

Case 28/1994 (V.20)

Country: Hungary
Year: 1994
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Environmental health
Human Rights: Right to a clean environment, Right to life, Right to property

The petitioner claimed that that s. 13(7)(4) of Act II of 1993 on Land Reallocation and Land Distribution Committees (the “Land Reallocation Act”) violated Article 18 of the Constitution of Hungary (the “Constitution”) and requested that the Constitutional Court declare an annulment of the provision. The Land Reallocation Act repealed s. 19 of Act II …Read more

Tags: Environmental degradation, Precautionary principle
Download Judgment: English

Case 62/1993

Country: Hungary
Year: 1993
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Aging, Health systems and financing
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, Freedom of expression, Freedom of religion, Right to health, Right to social security

The petitioners challenged the constitutionality of a law (Act XII of 1991 on Revision of Certain Pensions and Terminating Certain Pension Supplements (the “Act”)) that annulled the distribution of pension supplements which were given to individuals based on certain honors or honorary titles associated with achievements in science, sport or art, or service in specific …Read more

Tags: Aged persons, Budget, Elderly, Older persons, Senior citizens, Social security
Download Judgment: English

Case 64/1991 (XII. 17) AB

Country: Hungary
Year: 1991
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Child and adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Freedom of religion, Right to bodily integrity, Right to life

Two groups of petitioners, one pro-life and the other pro-choice, challenged provisions regulating abortion in Article 29(4) of the Health Act, Decree 76/1988. (XI.3.) MT, and its implementing Decree 15/1988. (XII. 15) SZEM. Article 29(4) established that abortion would be permitted in circumstances outlined under the regulations. The implementing regulations in Decree 15/1988 provided that …Read more

Tags: Abortion, Children, Conscientious objection, Criminalization, Family planning, Health care professionals, Health care workers, Pregnancy, Termination of pregnancy
Download Judgment: English

Case 750B/1990

Country: Hungary
Year: 1991
Court: Constitutional Court
Health Topics: Aging, Child and adolescent health, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to family life

The petitioner, Dr. Zsuzsanna Gábor, challenged the constitutionality of Hungary’s law that required women to be married and under forty years of age in order to undergo artificial insemination. The law was challenged on the grounds that it discriminated based on age and marital status, which was prohibited under Article 70 of Hungary’s constitution.

Tags: Assisted reproductive technology, Child development, Family planning, Fertility, In vitro fertilization, Infertility, Older persons, Pregnancy
Download Judgment: English Hungarian
