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10 judgments found.

Black et al. v. City of Toronto

Country: Canada
Year: 2020
Court: Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Citation: 2020 ONSC 6398
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Sexual and reproductive health, Water, sanitation and hygiene

A motion for an interlocutory injunction was brought to prevent the City of Toronto from enforcing its By-law that prohibited camping and erecting tents, structures, and shelters in City parks, City of Toronto Municipal Code, c. 608. The applicants did not challenge the validity of the By-law but sought an order to have it suspended …Read more

Tags: Access to healthcare, Access to treatment, Addiction, Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Cleanliness, Depression, Diabetes, Disabled, Drug abuse, drug users, Health care and health services, Infectious diseases, Influenza, Mental health, Noncommunicable diseases, Opioids, People who use drugs, Poverty, Public safety, Pulmonary diseases, Respiratory diseases, Safe drinking water, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual harassment, Substance abuse, violence, water sanitation and hygiene
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Thompson v Ontario (Attorney General)

Country: Canada
Year: 2016
Court: Ontario Court of Appeal
Citation: 2016 ONCA 676

The applicants appealed a decision affirming the constitutionality of Brian’s Law (Mental Health Legislative Reform), 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 9. (“Brian’s Law”), which was enacted by the Ontario legislature in 2000. Brian’s Law amended the Mental Health Act (“MHA”), adding provisions that expanded criteria for involuntary committal in a psychiatric hospital and introduced community treatment …Read more

Tags: Community-based care, Compulsory commitment, Compulsory examination, Compulsory treatment, Forced examination, Forced treatment, Health care and health services, Incapacity, Informed choice, Informed consent, Involuntary examination, Mental competence, Mental disability, Mental disorder, Mental health, Mental institution, Psychiatry, Public safety, Schizophrenia
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Mshengu and Others v. Msunduzi Local Municipality and Others

Country: South Africa
Year: 2019
Citation: [2019] 4 All SA 469 (KZP)

The applicants’ claim was based on s. 27(1)(b) of the Constitution – the right to sufficient food and water, which they submitted found further expression in the provisions of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 (“WSA”). Their complaint argued that farm occupiers and labour tenants, especially the applicants, lacked “access to sufficient water, basic …Read more

Tags: Clean water, Cleanliness, Indigent, Potable water, Safe drinking water, Sewage, Waste, Waste management
Download Judgment: English

Krajnc v. Slovenia

Country: Slovenia
Year: 2018
Court: European Court of Human Rights
Citation: no. 38775/14, § 2, ECHR 2018
Human Rights: Right to property, Right to social security

The applicant, Mr. Slavko Krajnc, was a professional truck driver in Celje, Slovenia. On September 29, 2003, Krajnc was deemed to have “category III work-related disability” as a result of his epilepsy, which rendered him unable to work as a truck driver. Accordingly, he had the right to be assigned to a different, more suitable …Read more

Tags: Disabilities, Health systems and financing
Download Judgment: English

British American Tobacco South Africa v. Minister of Health

Country: South Africa
Year: 2012
Court: Supreme Court of Appeal
Citation: (463/2011) [2012] ZASCA 107 (20 June 2012)
Health Topics: Tobacco
Human Rights: Freedom of expression, Right of access to information, Right to a clean environment, Right to health

Section 3(1)(a) of the Tobacco Products Control Act of 1993 (the “Act”) prohibited any person from “advertising” or “promoting” a tobacco product.  The appellant, a tobacco manufacturer, contended that this prohibition should not extend to its one-to-one communication with consenting adult consumers of tobacco products as it was an unconstitutional limit on both the appellant’s …Read more

Tags: Advertising, Smoking, Tobacco regulation
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Cipla Medpro Ltd. v. Aventis Pharma SA

Country: South Africa
Year: 2012
Court: Supreme Court of Appeal
Citation: Case No: 139/2012 and Case No: 138/2012; [2012] ZASCA 108
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health systems and financing, Medicines
Human Rights: Right to health

Aventis, a pharmaceutical company, applied for a preliminary injunction against infringement of its patent on its cancer drug Taxotere in order to restrain Cipla, an Indian pharmaceutical company, from importing, manufacturing or selling Cipla’s generic equivalent of the drug. Prior to this, Cipla had applied for revocation of Aventis’ amended patent on a number of …Read more

Tags: Access to drugs, Cancer, Generic drugs, Health insurance, Intellectual property, Out-of-pocket expenditures, Patents
Download Judgment: English

Allpass v. Mooikloof Estates (Pty) Ltd.

Country: South Africa
Year: 2011
Court: Labour Court of South Africa
Citation: Case No. JS178/09; [2011] ZALCJHB 7; 2011 (2) SA 638 (LC); [2011] 5 BLLR 462 (LC); (2011) 32 ILJ 1637 (LC)
Health Topics: Chronic and noncommunicable diseases, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Medicines, Sexual and reproductive health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to privacy

The Applicant, Allpass, was hired as a stable yard manager and horse-riding instructor for the Respondent, Mooikloof Estates. He had 27 years of experience in horse riding, instructing and stable yard management. At the time of his hiring, the Applicant had been living with HIV for 17 years and was in a same-sex civil union. …Read more

Tags: Antiretrovirals, ARVs, Asthma, Disclosure, Gay, HIV, HIV positive, HIV status, Homosexual, LGBTI, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexual orientation
Download Judgment: English

Momentum Group v. Chairperson, Competition Commission

Country: South Africa
Year: 2006
Court: Competition Appeal Court
Citation: [2006] ZACAC 1; Competition Appeal Court Case No: 58/CAC/DEC05
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals

On 2 September 2005, Momentum Group and African Life Health (ALH) applied to the Competition Commission (Commission) for the approval of a merger between them. On 9 November 2002, the merger was unconditionally approved by the Commission and referred to the Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) for final approval. On 12 December 2005, after a hearing with …Read more

Tags: Private hospitals
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Medicross v. Prime Cure Holdings

Country: South Africa
Year: 2005
Court: Competition Tribunal
Citation: Case no 11/LM/Mar05
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing, Hospitals, Poverty

The Competition Tribunal examined a merger between Medicross Healthcare Group (Pty) Ltd (Medicross) and Prime Cure Holdings (Pty) Ltd, companies providing primary care healthcare services to medical aid schemes. The transaction envisaged that Medicross would acquire the entire share capital of, and loan claims against, Prime Cure. Prime Cure manages and administers 45 primary healthcare …Read more

Tags: Health care technology, Health insurance, Indigent, Low income, Poor, Primary care, Private hospitals, Public hospitals
Download Judgment: English

Competition Commission v. Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa

Country: South Africa
Year: 2005
Court: Competition Tribunal
Citation: 07/CR/Feb05
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing

The Competition Commissioner initiated a complaint and undertook an investigation into an alleged prohibited practice by the Respondent, Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa. Respondent was an association that represented approximately 85% of medical aid schemes in South Africa that, among other things, determined, recommended and published benchmark tariffs for health care services annually. …Read more

Tags: Access to treatment, Diagnostics, Examination, Pricing
Download Judgment: English

Competition Commission v. South African Medical Association

Country: South Africa
Year: 2004
Court: Competition Tribunal
Citation: Case No. 23/CR/Apr04
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health systems and financing

The Competition Commission (Commission) initiated an investigation into the conduct of the South African Medical Association (SAMA) in relation to the setting of tariffs for health care services provided by its members. SAMA is a non-profit association that is the representative association of medical practitioners in South Africa. SAMA dealt with both professional and business …Read more

Tags: Health care technology, Pricing
Download Judgment: English

Irvin and Johnson Ltd. v. Trawler and Line Fishing Union, et al.

Country: South Africa
Year: 2003
Court: Labour Court of South Africa
Citation: (4) BLLR 379 (SALC)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Informed consent, Occupational health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to privacy

The Applicant, Irvin and Johnson Limited, wished to arrange for the voluntary and anonymous HIV testing of the more than 1,100 employees in its trawling division. The testing was to be based on the principle of informed consent and accompanied by pre- and post-test counselling. However, the age and job category of the tested employee …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Compulsory testing, Confidentiality, Counseling, Health education, Health promotion, HIV, HIV status, Informed choice, Involuntary testing, Mandatory testing, Most-at-risk, Non-consensual testing and treatment, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Testing
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Afrox Healthcare (Pty.) Ltd. v. Strydom

Country: South Africa
Year: 2002
Court: Supreme Court of Appeal
Citation: 2002 (6) SA 21 (SCA)
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Hospitals, Medical malpractice
Human Rights: Right to health

The Appellant was the owner of a private hospital that had admitted the Respondent for an operation. Following the operation, the Respondent suffered some complications as a result of the negligent conduct of a nurse in the employ of the Appellant. Respondent sued the Appellant for damages. In the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Respondent …Read more

Tags: Compensation, Duty of care, Negligence, Private hospitals
Download Judgment: Afrikaans

Joy Mining Machinery v. NUMSA

Country: South Africa
Year: 2002
Court: Labour Court of South Africa
Citation: Case No: J 158/02; [2002] ZALC 7
Health Topics: Health care and health services, Health information, HIV/AIDS, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Informed consent, Occupational health
Human Rights: Freedom from discrimination

The Applicant, Joy Mining Machinery, was a manufacturer, supplier and service provider of mining machinery. The Applicant had attempted to determine the extent of HIV prevalence at its workplace by commissioning a study of HIV prevalence based on the demographic groups at the workplace. As this was ultimately unhelpful, the Applicant wished to determine the …Read more

Tags: AIDS, Awareness, Clinics, Confidentiality, Counseling, Health care workers, Health education, HIV, HIV status, Informed choice, People living with HIV/AIDS, PLHIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, STIs, Testing
Download Judgment: English