
Constitución Política de la República de Guatemala [Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala], adopted and enacted 1985.
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Article 3. Right to Life.
The State guarantees and protects the human life from the time of its conception as well as the integrity and security of the person.

Article 4. Liberty and Equality.
In Guatemala, all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Men and women, whatever their civil status, have equal opportunities and responsibilities. No person can be subjected to servitude or other condition that undermines his dignity. Human beings must display brotherly behavior vis-α-vis each other.

Article 19.Penal System.
The penal system will have to try to rehabilitate socially and to re-educate the prisoners and meet the following minimum norms in the treatment of the prisoners: a. They must be treated as human beings; they must not be discriminated against for any reason whatsoever nor have cruel treatment, physical, moral, psychic torture, duress or harassment, be inflicted on them, nor can they be made to perform work incompatible with their physical condition, actions undermining their dignity, or be subjected to extortion or scientific experimentation.

Article 47. Protection to the Family.
The State guarantees the social, economic, and juridical protection of the family. It will promote its organization on the legal basis of marriage, the equal rights of spouses, responsible paternity, and the right of individuals to decide freely the number and spacing [espaciamiento] of their children.

Article 50.Equality among Children.
All children are equal before the law and have the same rights. Any discrimination is punishable.
Article 51. Protection of Minors and the Elderly.
The State will protect the physical, mental, and moral health of minors and the elderly. It will guarantee them their right to food, public health, education, security, and social insurance.

Article 52. Maternity.
Motherhood enjoys the protection of the State, over which it will watch in a special way for the strict fulfillment of the rights and obligations to be derived from it.

Article 53. The Disabled.
The State guarantees the protection of the disabled and of those persons who suffer from physical, psychic, or sensory limitations. Medical-social care to them as well as the promotion of policies and services that make their rehabilitation possible and their integral reincorporation in society is declared to be of national interest. The law will regulate this matter and will create the technical organisms and executors that may be necessary.

Article 55. Obligation to Provide Food.
Refusal to supply food in the form prescribed by law is punishable.

Article 57. Right to Culture.
Every person has the right to participate freely in the cultural and artistic life of the community as well as benefit from the scientific and technological progress of the Nation.

Article 71. Right to Education.
The freedom of education and educational standards is guaranteed. It is the obligation of the State to provide and facilitate education to its inhabitants without any discrimination whatever. The foundation and maintenance of cultural educational centers and museums is declared to be of public utility and necessity.

Article 93. Right to Health.
The right to health is a fundamental right of the human being without any discrimination.

Article 100. Social Security.
The State recognizes and guarantees the right to social security for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Nation. Its system is instituted as a public function in national, unitary, and mandatory form.

Article 101. Right to Work.
Work is a right and a social obligation of the individual. The labor system of the country must be organized in accordance with the principles of social justice.