Year of entry into force: 1981
Region: Americas
Human rights: Freedom from discrimination, Right to a clean environment, Right to health, Right to life
The Constitution guarantees to all persons… The right to life and to the physical and psychological integrity of the individual (Ch. III, Art. 19.1)
The Constitution guarantees to all persons… Equal protection under the law in the exercise of their rights (Ch. III, Art. 19.3)
The Constitution guarantees to all persons… The right to live in an environment free from contamination. It is the duty of the State to watch over the protection of this right and the preservation of nature. (Ch. III, Art.19.8)
The Constitution guarantees to all persons… The right to protection of health. The State protects the free and egalitarian access to actions for the promotion, protection and recovery of the health and rehabilitation of the individual. The coordination and control of activities related to health shall likewise rest with the State. It is the prime duty of the State to guarantee health assistance, whether undertaken by public or private institutions, in accordance with the form and conditions set forth in the law which may establish compulsory health quotations. Each person shall have the right to choose, the health system he wishes to join, either State or private- controlled. (Ch. III, Art. 19.9)