Year of entry into force: 1994
Human rights: Right to a clean environment, Right to bodily integrity, Right to education, Right to family life, Right to housing, Right to social security, Right to the benefits of culture
Article 22 Everyone has the right to the respect of his private and family life, except in the cases and conditions determined by the law. The laws, federate law and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee the protection of this right.
Article 22 bis. Every child has the right to the respect of his moral, physical, mental and sexual integrity.
Article 23 Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity.
To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and determine the conditions for exercising them.
These rights include among others :
1° the right to employment and to the free choice of an occupation within the context of a general employment policy, aimed among others at ensuring a level of employment that is as stable and high as possible, the right to fair terms of employment and to fair remuneration, as well as the right to information, consultation and collective negotiation;
2° the right to social security, to health care and to social, medical and legal aid;
3° the right to decent accommodation;
4° the right to the protection of a healthy environment;
5° the right to cultural and social fulfilment.
Article 24 § 1. Education is free; any preventive measure is forbidden; the punishment of offences is regulated only by the law or federate law…